(2021). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL PROPERTIES AND LANDSCAPE FOR SUSTAINABLE LANDUSE IN WADI TARFA, MINYA GOVERNORATE, EGYPT. The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Change, 13(1), 51-66. doi: 10.21608/ejec.2021.149018
. "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL PROPERTIES AND LANDSCAPE FOR SUSTAINABLE LANDUSE IN WADI TARFA, MINYA GOVERNORATE, EGYPT". The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Change, 13, 1, 2021, 51-66. doi: 10.21608/ejec.2021.149018
(2021). 'THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL PROPERTIES AND LANDSCAPE FOR SUSTAINABLE LANDUSE IN WADI TARFA, MINYA GOVERNORATE, EGYPT', The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Change, 13(1), pp. 51-66. doi: 10.21608/ejec.2021.149018
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOIL PROPERTIES AND LANDSCAPE FOR SUSTAINABLE LANDUSE IN WADI TARFA, MINYA GOVERNORATE, EGYPT. The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Change, 2021; 13(1): 51-66. doi: 10.21608/ejec.2021.149018
Egypt has limited cultivable land, its water resources are limited and its population is growing, which in turn is destroying the cultivable land. This issue can be solving by use of desert land. This study aims to identify the resources provided by the Egyptian deserts, their potential and how they can be utilized in sustainable development by study characteristics of Egyptian soil and how their composition changes over time. In this respect, the eastern desert is one of the promising areas in Egypt. Wadi El-Tarfa is one of semi-arid areas located in eastern Desert of Egypt composed of Cretaceous and Eocene limestone and Quaternary sediments. Samples were collected from 10 profile, about 25 representative soil samples from different depth were collected. Each sample was prepared by air-dried, crushed, sieved through a 2 mm sieve and chemical, physical properties and soil nutrient element level were analyzed. The data obtained from the soil survey indicates that, soils are generally sandy, moderately -alkaline, non-saline to slightly saline, and the percentage of organic matter less than 0.5%. The profile depth are varied from very shallow (less than 30 cm) to moderately deep (ranging from 50 -100 cm) and deep (100-150 cm) with high amounts of gravels on the profiles surface. Obtained data indicated that, there are significant differences between profiles depths in gravels, EC, CaCo3, Gypsum, particle size distribution fraction and contents of NPK, while no significant differences between profiles depths in pH and OM. On the other hand, there are a high positive correlation between N contents and O.M% and negative correlation with both of pH and CaCo3 %. Data also showed a cleared negative correlation between P content and both of pH and gypsum and high negative correlation between K content and gypsum followed by CaCo3 and positive correlation with both of pH and O.M. Morphologically described, classified according to soil taxonomy (USDA, 2014) and 24 soil samples were collected for lab analyses. Two soil orders are identified in the study area i.e.Aridisols, which are dominated in the study area, and Entisols. These orders are differentiated into suborders, great groups, and subgroups. The main soil sub-orders detected in the study area are Gypsids, Calcids. The current suitability of the studied soil profiles was estimated by matching between the present land characteristics and their ratings outlined by FAO (1976). Suitability indices and classification of the studied soils revealed that there are three suitability classes, i.e., moderately suitable, marginally suitable and actually unsuitable. The most limiting factors in the studied soils are topography of the terrain, profile depth, gravel, CaCO3, salinity index (EC), Exchangeable sodium ratio (ESP), slope and gypsum content with differentiated to five classes according to their expected hazards very low, low, moderate, severe and very severe intensity. This current suitability can be more profitable after executing the main growth limitations as agricultural mechanization to improve soil characteristics from depth and slope, in addition to using modern irrigation methods such as drip or sprinkler and using of good fertilizer program.
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